
Holistic coaching places YOU at the center while assisting you in establishing your wellness goals and creating change in mindset and lifestyle behaviors for health promotion, and disease management. Holistic coaching may include implementing integrative modalities when appropriate to support your specific goals and your overall health and wellness. We use a whole person model of care that addresses your biological, psychological, social, spiritual, cultural, and environmental aspects of well-being. Sign up for a free consultation to see if 1:1 coaching and/or group coaching is right for you.

Radical Hope Program

Our Radical Hope Programs are based on Dr. Kelly A. Turner’s research of over 1,500 cases of radical remission cases. A Radical Remission is when someone heals from cancer or another serious illness in a statistically unlikely way, such as without conventional medical treatment, after conventional treatment has failed to work, or when conventional and complementary methods are used in conjunction to overcome a dire prognosis. Check out our programs that highlight each of the 10 healing factors discovered in Dr. Kelly Turner’s research.

Mind-Body Medicine Program

Mind-body medicine is based on the scientific understanding of the inextricable connection among our thoughts, sensations and feelings, and our mind, body, and spirit - between ourselves and the social and natural world in which we live. Our mind-body medicine groups are modeled after groups cultivated by Dr. James Gordon, the founder of The Center For Mind Body Medicine. Mind-Body Medicine Skills Groups are evidence based, educational, and experiential groups intended to cultivate well-being. The skills taught in these groups are scientifically validated to reduce stress and anxiety, support immunity and resiliency, and restore physical and psychological health.

Healing Circles

Healing circles are based on ancient and sacred practices of supporting and connecting with one another in community. Healing circles are a safe and supportive space in which you can listen and bear witness to others' stories with compassion and curiosity and share your own experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Through healing circles we are able to process our thoughts and release emotions while building trust and connection. In a circle we are all equal - no one in front of you, behind you, below you, or above you. We can draw strength from the whole. Join us in honoring one another’s unique path to healing.