Our Mission

To empower oncology patients, survivors, caregivers, family members, nurses and other healthcare professionals to confidently travel their own path to enhanced physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellness.

Our Core Values


We believe that one's well-being is promoted when they are living aligned with their true self. We want you to show up as you are and encourage self-exploration and individuality


By creating a community in which people can share their fears and sadness as well as their hopes and wins and working with other businesses that help to empower our clients and our business


By creating sustainable outcomes with our clients, developing a sustainable business so we can continue to serve, and being eco-conscious in our decision making

About The Founder

Cheryl’s life experiences, education, and many trainings, have given her a deep understanding of what a cancer journey entails. Cheryl was the primary caregiver for her late husband, Ryan Brooks, during his journey with brain cancer. After three years of different treatments, Ryan chose to go home to hospice and passed away on February 1st, 2013. Through these years Cheryl felt helpless and afraid. With Ryan’s encouragement she decided to pursue a nursing career searching for understanding and a sense of control. Cheryl graduated as a registered nurse the year after Ryan had passed. Cheryl has since dedicated herself to a career as a Certified Holistic Oncology Nurse where she has supported hundreds of oncology patients and their families through their own cancer journeys.

Though Cheryl is extremely passionate about her career, she was not safe from experiencing both compassion fatigue and burnout. There were times when she was constantly exhausted, emotionally drained, and lacked fulfillment in her career despite doing all the things she was taught to overcome these negative spaces. Taking your lunch break, leaving work on time, getting plenty of sleep were not enough. It wasn’t until she studied for and earned her Holistic Nursing Certification that she learned what self-care truly is and what it means to heal.

Cheryl chose to transition to Health and Wellness Coaching and founded Brooks Wellness to empower others to begin their own path to enhanced wellness in a way that aligns with holistic care values. Cheryl’s heart and soul is in oncology and through Brooks Wellness she has created a safe space for self-exploration and growth, for oncology patients, their families and caregivers, and nurses.

Cheryl Brooks, RN, OCN, HNB-BC, NBC-HWC, ACC


• Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach by NBHWC

• Professional and Advanced Mind-Body Medicine Training through the Center for Mind-Body Medicine

• Holistic Coaching Mastery Program through the Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy

• Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

• Board Certified Holistic Nurse by AHNCC

• Board Certified Oncology Nurse by OCN